Lapcheong (Chinese sausage)
Tuck Kee chicken chinese sausage come with rich flavor of rose wine and well balanced skimmed chicken meat content.
100% chicken made, pork free.
All Tuck Kee chinese sausages are 100% produced locally in Penang, Malaysia to ensure the best quality control from raw material to production process.
Seasoned with Chinese rose wine and soy sauce, the sausages are made with natural sausage linings and are dried to produce top quality Tuck Kee Chinese Sausages.
Our specially selected high quality cuts of succulent pork are infused with premium Chinese rose wine and soy sauce. Natural collagen casings seal in its sweet and fragrant aroma while giving every sausage a meaty bite that is tender and full of flavor.
腊肠最主要的特色是腊肠的酒味,我们德记的腊肠是使用适当的高浓度米酒来进行腌制,使用的也是最为合适的58度酒精浓度的天津玫瑰露米酒,可以闻到一股淡淡的玫瑰露香气。 而且我么德记腊肠的肠衣绝对是可以安心食用的,不是塑料,而是一种植物胶原蛋白制成的。 入口有糖酒香,腊味煲仔饭是经典的粤式美食。
德记专诚提供最佳的本地腊味产品,德记向来出产高品质的腊肠与腊肉 。我们有一部分的产品还是用手工制造, 也尽量保持传统的腊肠制造方法。所以我们产品还保有真实,传统及独特的味道.
The Best Way To Enjoy
When cooking rice in a pot or a rice cooker, place the sausages on top of the rice. The sausages will cook to juicy perfection while suffusing the rise with aromatic pork fat, creating the perfect mouth-watering blend of taste, oil, rice, and meat.
配料: 姜1小块,香葱切成葱花
1. 香米淘洗干净,用清水浸泡半小时,放入饭煲,加水高于香米表面至食指第一关节的1/2处,按下精煮键;
2. 饭煮好后,排压后掀开锅盖,铺满切好的腊味和姜丝;
3. 迅速盖紧锅盖,利用热气继续焖10分钟;
4. 等待的过程中, 将所有调料混合,搅匀做为料汁待用;
5. 十分钟后,开锅,倒入酱汁,拌匀再撒上葱花即可
真空包装 Vacuum packed 300gm